This blog now (at least as far as I am up to it) will be written in English. Why?Because I saw some friends trying to figure out what I was writing in my blog, and if you did not realize, they do not speak Portuguese.
As far as I know, people who follow my blog do know English...right?
Perhaps I judge it wrongly... and I might be really wrong by doing it. But I was listening to the Brazilian radio that I used to listen when I was driving. It is news radio, and I really think it nice to hear (sometimes I need a break from the "music" from the usual radios).
Well, hearing something about a speech from our beloved Brazilian president, I had the "honour" to hear one of his metaphors. He said something like: " If you only put water in the pan and no ingredients, the water will evaporate when you put it to heat. Even though you might put a glass of water, the water will still evaporate."
I might be totally wrong, and sometimes be prejudicial about those things...but I do not trust the president to be poetic.Nor I do trust in a governor who used to be the Exterminator. I do not believe that a socialiate, daughter of the owner of a well-known hotels chain, can sing and act well.
I might be misjudging...right?
When thinking about cultural differences came to my mind the "crisis" that happened here in Denmark. All because one cartoonist thought it would be funny to "criticize" or "express his opinion" by doing some cartoons making fun of muslims. (By the way, muslims are arabs?Or is it the other way around?Sometimes I feel that both words are being used as synonims).
So it came to my mind that muslims do have some belifs that are different from the "western world". People may say that this "western world" beliefs are the civilized ones (even though people cheer when there is a new invasion to some "evil country"), but this is not the subject. The subject is that drawing pictures from the prophet for muslims is not well seen (I could see when I visited some mosques that there is no "images" inside) and this was actually really offensive.
I have seen some people here in Denmark defending the cartoonist (and the newspaper that made the drawings public), as there is "freedom of speech" in Denmark. So what I could do, and people should be proud of (as I am using my rights), is make some really offensive drawings about the Danes, Danish Royal Family and so on. I could tell them, who actually do not see the other side, that they are a bunch of savages.
I would not do so. People do have different opinions and we should respect them. We should respect not only people's opinions and rights,but also their beliefs.
The muslim reaction, at least some of them (the ones that were shown a lot in the news) might have been too far. Well, I wouldn't say it was unpredictable though. Think of part of the world seeing you as a terrorist because of a minority that makes some interpretations that lead to violence. But this is not exclusive for just one. Some other minorities from other religions do also interpret things in a way that contradicts their principles. If "love" is the message shown in their books, why are there so many people telling me I am going to hell and suffer?
This world is crazy. It is a shame that extremes are now getting so much attention. It is sad to see a political party that wants Denmark for Danes. This is my opinion. I hope I will not burn in hell, or be threatened. At least I have my right to express it,right?